Resıdence Permıt For Foreıgners
Foreigners in our country have various rights and obligations. Residence permits establish a legal basis for foreigners to stay in our country within the framework of these rights and obligations.
What is a Residence Permit?
According to the Law on Foreigners and International Protection No 6458, residence permit refers to the permit issued to stay in Turkey. This permit issued by the competent authorities gives the foreigner the right to live in our country for a certain period of time and in a certain place. Residence permit, which is important in terms of ensuring and protecting public order, is regulated if the foreigner makes a request, applies with the required documents and meets the conditions of the type of residence permit requested.
Foreigners who will stay in our country for more than the period granted by the visa or for more than 90 days must apply through the e-residence (e-devlet) system according to the type of residence permit suitable for them.
How to Obtain a Residence Permit?
First of all, we go to the website of the Directorate of Migration Management. Which has the residence permit application options. There are options for first-time residence permit application, residence permit extension application and residence permit transition application. You choose the action you want to do and fill out the form that appears. The form must be filled in completely and correctly. This completes your application. After filling out the form, an appointment should be made for the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management to complete the application process. This appointment can also be taken through the e-residence system.
After making an appointment, the completed form and the necessary documents for obtaining a residence permit must be submitted to the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management. The results of the application are announced in 90 days at the latest and the residence permit document is sent via PTT Cargo.
Foreigners who have completed their application must be present on the appointment day determined at the provincial/district directorate of migration administration. Because foreigners who are not present at the provincial or district directorate of migration administration on the appointment day without a valid excuse will be deemed to have never applied.
After obtaining your first residence permit, a Foreigner Identification Number will be given to the foreigner.
What are the Documents Required for a Residence Permit?
- Original or photocopy of passport or equivalent document
- Passport
- Detailed address in Turkey
- A valid health insurance (If you are going to get a residence permit, you must have a private health insurance.)
- Residence permit application form
- 4 biometric photos
- Financial statement during the residence permit
Residence Permit Extension Application
The residence permit is issued for certain periods from the first application. When this period expires, the residence permit will also expire. Therefore, foreign nationals who want to continue to reside in Turkey should apply for a residence permit extension.
The extension application must be completed at least 60 days before the expiry of the current residence permit, together with the application to the Governorships.
If there is no change in the personal information of the foreign national, the extension application can be made directly via e-residence. However, if the information of the foreign national is updated, this application is made by appointment.
After the application, the application form must be written and signed. This written form must be delivered to the Provincial Immigration Administration within 5 working days.
Documents Required for Extension of Residence Permit
- Application form
- Copy of passport or equivalent document (must be notarized.)
- 4 photos
- Statement of financial means sufficient for the duration of the stay.
- Health insurance
Additional documents to these documents are;
- For the short-term residence permit extension application, a signed or stamped document to be obtained from the relevant institutions or organizations regarding the purpose of staying in Turkey with a short-term residence permit.
- Signed, stamped or stamped document proving active student status for student residence permit.
- The first application documents for family residence permit should be attached as updated.
Residence Permit Conditions
- The first application to be made for a residence permit is made through the online system, e-residence. This application is a preliminary application, and in order to obtain a residence permit, it must be received from the Directorate of Migration Management in the place where you want to reside, within an appointment.
- If it deems necessary, the Directorate of Migration Management will take the opinion of the necessary authorities and decide on the rejection, approval or cancellation of the residence permit application and inform about the result.
- The application to be made for a residence permit is possible by the foreign national who will obtain a residence permit in order to stay in Turkey longer than the specified visa period, in person or through a proxy.
What are the Types of Residence Permit?
Short Term Residence Permit
Short-term residence permit can be issued for a maximum of two years each time.
Foreigners who can obtain a Short-Term Residence Permit are:
- Foreigners who will come for scientific study
- Foreigners who own real estate in Turkey
- Foreigners who will establish a commercial connection or business
- Foreigners who will participate in the in-service training program
- Foreigners who will come for educational and similar purposes within the framework of agreements to which the Republic of Turkey is a party or student exchange programs
- Foreigners who will stay for tourism purposes
- Foreigners who will be treated provided that they do not have one of the diseases that are considered a threat to public health.
- Foreigners who are required to stay in Turkey depending on the request or decision of the judicial or administrative authorities.
- Foreigners who will attend a Turkish learning course
- Foreigners who will participate in education, research, internship and courses in Turkey through public institutions
- Foreigners who have completed their higher education in Turkey and applied within 6 months from the date of graduation.
- Those who do not work in Turkey but will invest within the scope and amount to be determined by the Council of Ministers, their foreign spouse, minor dependent foreign child of himself and his spouse
Family Residence Permit
Turkish citizens, those who are within the scope of Article 28 of Law No. 5901 or foreigners who have one of the residence permits, refugees and subsidiary protection status holders;
- To his foreign spouse,
- His or his spouse's minor child,
- Family residence permit is given to the dependent foreign child of himself or his spouse.
Student Residence Permit
- Foreigners who do not have a family residence permit, who will receive primary and secondary education,
- A student residence permit is issued to foreigners who will study at a higher education institution in Turkey at the levels of associate degree, undergraduate, graduate, doctorate, TUS (Medical Specialization Education), DUS (Specialization Education in Dentistry).
It is given to foreigners who will come and study in Turkey through public institutions and organizations. If the study period of the foreign student is less than one year, the duration of the student residence permit cannot exceed the period of study.
Long Term Residence Permit
Long-term residence permit is issued indefinitely.
The criteria to be counted for foreigners who can obtain a Long Term Residence Permit are as follows:
- Those who have resided in Turkey for at least eight years without interruption and with a residence permit,
- Those who have not benefited from any assistance from the State in the last 3 years,
- Persons who have a monthly income that is sufficient for themselves and can sustain their lives,
- Those who have a valid health insurance,
- Those who do not pose a threat to society and public security will be able to obtain a long-term residence permit.
Humanitarian Residence Permit
- Best interests of the child,
- When foreigners are not allowed to leave Turkey or it is not considered reasonable or possible for them to leave Turkey, despite the decision to deport them or ban them from entering Turkey,
- When a deportation decision is not taken for the foreigner,
- When a legal action is taken against the action,
- During the continuation of the applicant's return to the first country of asylum or a safe third country,
- When the foreigners, who are required to be allowed to enter and stay in Turkey for urgent reasons or for the protection of the country's interests, public order and public security, are not able to obtain one of the other residence permits due to their situation that prevents the issuance of a residence permit,
- Humanitarian residence permit can be issued in extraordinary situations.
Victim of Human Trafficking Residence Permit
A residence permit for 30 days may be granted by the governorships to foreigners who have strong suspicions that they are or may be victims of human trafficking. It can be extended for a maximum of 6 months, and these periods cannot exceed 3 years in total.
Residence Permit Fee 2022
Residence Permit Card Fee: 160.00 TL
Residence Permit Fee: 1040 TL
Single Entry Visa Fee: 1033.60 TL
Health Insurance Fee: 500 TL – 1,750 TL (Although it varies according to the age of the foreigner, it is compulsory for foreigners under the age of 65.)
Notary and Translation Fee: 450 TL
Apostille Approval Fees: 89.23 TL / per page (May not be required)
What Happens If You Don't Apply For A Residence Permit On Time?
If a residence permit application has not been made on time and you have stayed in Turkey longer than your tourist visa allows, a penalty will have to be paid.
An entry ban may be imposed in Turkey if the statute of limitations has expired for more than 15 days. These penalties will vary by country and may be payable at customs. If these fines are not paid, entry to Turkey may also be banned from 1 to 5 years.
However, the foreigner may file an action for annulment at the Administrative Court for a period of 60 days after the rejection of the residence permit application is notified to him/her.
What Should Those Who Have Rejected Residence Permit Do?
Foreigners whose residence permit application (initial application or extension application) is rejected cannot get back the taxes and fees they have paid. Therefore, it is beneficial to be careful in this regard.
Residence permit applications of the same type cannot be made again unless 6 months have passed. If done, it will be rejected. However, foreigners whose visa period has not expired (whose legal right to stay in Turkey continues) can apply for a residence permit suitable for their legal stay.
Foreigners whose applications are rejected and their legal right to stay ends will be considered as fugitive.
Current Developments Regarding Residence Permit
For a residence permit, the tenant together with the landlord must sign a lease agreement in the presence of a notary public. Migration Administration has made a change regarding this issue. Because now, unilateral notary approval of the rental agreement is no longer sufficient for a residence permit and rental agreements signed by the real estate agent or landlord mutually in the presence of a notary public are accepted. This is valid for foreigners who will obtain a residence permit for the first time and who want to present a rental agreement as an address document during their transactions.